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Helping us help others

Your donation can help Brushstrokes  maintain and develop its work across Sandwell, West Birmingham and the Black Country.


Here is how to donate:

Click on the "Donate Now" button
to give instantly

Regular Giving


To give regularly, direct from your bank or building society account, please complete the Banker’s Order Form (from the download file) and send it to Father Hudson’s Care, St George’s House, Gerards Way, Birmingham B46 3FG


On the reverse you will find the Gift Aid Form, if you are able, please gift aid. We can claim 25p for every £1 you give at no extra cost to you. You can make a one off gift by using the donate button and gift aid is collected automatically. JustGiving makes a small charge for their services but you can choose to cover this charge if you wish.


By writing us into your Will, you ensure the work you value continues after your passing. 



By volunteering, you use your energy and talents to help others. Visit our Volunteering page



And by your prayers, you bolster us and give strength to people in need.

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