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Frequently Asked Questions

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  • Premises
    Identify suitable premises that enable us to sustain the delivery of our services IN PROGRESS FOR COMPLETION IN 19/20
  • Delivering IELTS
    Increase our capacity to deliver IELTS for migrant health professionals. COMPLETED
  • Immigration Advice
    Secure funding to expand Immigration advice at Brushstrokes. COMPLETED
  • Increasing Access to Information and Advice
    Increase access to information and advice for asylum seekers and refugees through the training and recruitment of additional advisers and advice drop-in sessions. COMPLETED
  • Accommodation for Refugees and Migrants
    Sustain the work with migrants and landlords in the private rented sector and recruit further peer housing mentors to support this work. ON HOLD – funding not secured. We continue to provide a limited housing advice and support as part of general advice service.
  • The Impact of Brexit on EU Nationals.
    Build on our existing relationship with new EU community organisations and develop new approaches to understand, inform and respond to the impact of Brexit on EU nationals. COMPLETED FOR 18/19. On-going for 19/20
  • Sustaining and Develop our Strategic Engagement
    Sustain and develop our strategic engagement with local, regional and national networks dealing with asylum and migration and provide evidence from our work that can influence social policy. COMPLETED FOR 18/19. On-going for 19/20
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